

The fast-track solution to help you build a business that supports the life you want to live.

Hear from group workshop participants here >>

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Burned out? Miserable in your current role?
Want to reclaim your time?

If you know how to sell, we'll teach you everything else.

We can help any sales professional build their dream business.

I don’t typically make claims like that, but it’s true.

Most entrepreneurs struggle with sales. However, sales professionals have that on lock. I can teach you every other element of how to build and run a successful sales focused business and all you have to do is 

Our Make Business Personal Experience (MBPE) is the fastest way to build a solid business plan and ensure you’re honoring your personal goals, values, and strengths in the process. In this workshop series, you’ll work 1:1 with our Founder, Kiley Peters and you’ll follow the D&A of Success framework, which helps owners identify their personal definition of success and then align their business accordingly.



In Part 1, we discover your personal significance and name your personal goals and values. We get clear on how you should spend your time and energy and map out your major life milestones so we can keep those front and center as we build your business. Yup, we start with you. This is your business. It’s your life, let’s make sure we’re really clear on what YOU want. Then we’re going to craft a business strategy aligned to honoring the life you want to build for yourself and your family.

In this half-day virtual workshop we tackle the following:

  • Define what success means to you, in all areas of life.
  • Identify who you are meant to serve.
  • Discover your unique strengths and value you bring to the world.
  • Clarify the work you thrive doing and should focus your time on.
  • Name your personal purpose and identify ways to activate it.
  • Define your goals or desired experiences personally, financially, and professionally for the next 90 days, 12-18 months, and long-term future.
  • Build an action plan of benchmarks, habits to be formed, and necessary resources and timelines to achieve those goals/experiences.

Please note, I only take 6 clients a year, so don’t be surprised if you see a waitlist pop up!
If I’m booked, please check out our Make Business Personal Accelerator Program to get started!

I've worked with Kiley for over a year now and the 1:1 support has helped me set up a strong foundation for my business much quicker than I could have on my own. I've been very strategic in transitioning from corporate into entrepreneurship and couldn't have done it without the support of the RAYNE IX team. Thanks to Kiley, I've not only thrived but conquered the entrepreneurial realm with a newfound sense of purpose and determination."

You've got a life to live and a business to run.
Let's make it worthwhile and fun!
Let's make
it happen.


We start Part 2 with a 2-hr virtual workshop to ensure you’re set up to conduct audience research. Then over the next six to eight weeks, we’ll meet for a series of workshops to build your business strategy in alignment with your personal goals and values.

The following outlines the core elements of the business plan we will co-create together:

  • Your company’s mission, vision, values, and goals.
  • The people you serve, the problems they have and their customer journey.
  • How you solve said problems, how you add additional value and simultaneously build a referral system.
  • Your core differentiator to apply to all marketing materials.
  • Your suite of productized services priced to ensure profitability.
  • Operational details on how to deliver your productized services including what to delegate, automate, standardize, and customize.
  • A high-level content marketing strategy to kickstart lead generation.
  • A 12-month strategic roadmap with key milestones to hit to meet your first year goals.
  • A 12-month cash flow plan to map out expected expenses, project your bandwidth for deliverability, and ensure you’re set up for financial success.

When all is said and done, you’ll leave this workshop with a Google Slide deck that details all of the above, with clear next steps for the following year. And we’ll follow that up with an Executive Summary for easy reference.


After we finish our series of intensive workshops, you’ll have the option to enroll in our next Accelerator cohort and we’ll also have a few mastermind options available for you as well.

This provides the opportunity to cement our work together and expand your breadth of knowledge with insights from 15 other women small business owner experts to ensure a solid foundation for your business. In addition, you’ll also have the opportunity to speak with each of these experts in our Accelerator Alumni Community for the next year!

Finally, you’ll have 11 1:1s with Kiley to complete a full year of ongoing support as you build your business!


      = Over $6,491 in added bonus material, content, access & support!

“I was able to start my sales business from scratch and become profitable immediately. Not just because RAYNE IX gave me the roadmap for success, but also because they were able to identify things that I should immediately contract out and outsource that were not in my zone of genius. RAYNE IX is a connector. Every partner I needed to start my small business was introduced to me from their robust network of resources and partnerships. I never once had to google, “I need a great …”, I just asked RAYNE IX.”


  • What can you expect during this process?

    You can expect to get vulnerable. You can expect honesty. You can expect a zero judgment zone. You can expect this entire workshop to be dedicated to helping you build the roadmap to the business and life you want to live. We’ll roll up our sleeves, get a little delirious at times, eat some snacks, shake it off, and dive back in. This is an intensive process, but it’s the best and fastest foundation you can lay for your business.

  • What’s it like to work 1:1 with Kiley?

    She’s going to challenge you. She’s going to do her damndest to bring out the best in you to keep you honest and to help you craft the right path for you. She's also going to bring everything she's learned from formal and informal trainings, hands-on experience, marketing, business ownership, coaching, financial prowess, organization and so many beautiful life-changing spreadsheets. It’s a collaborative process, you’ll co-create together. And everything said is 100% confidential, as this is always a safe and sacred space.

  • What type of results can I expect?

    We can build the best business plan in the world, but if you don’t execute on it, nothing is gonna happen. Ok? Ok. Now, that being said, we have seen this process catapult owners from day one to year three of their business over the course of a year.

    The clarity, direction, resources, and knowledge we share shave off a solid two years of hemming and hawing whether you’re starting your business or at a pivoting point in your business. Think about all the time and money you’re NOT wasting over the course of two years. In our experience, that can be the difference between surviving and not. In some cases, it can also equate to upwards of a few hundred wasted hours and tens of thousands of wasted dollars.

  • What’s the investment?

    This program includes three full day workshops working 1:1 with Kiley, a full year of access to our Accelerator Alumni community with more than 30 opportunities to speak with experts during office hours, including access to our extensive pool of resources, connections, templates, systems and support, eleven (11) 1:1 coaching sessions with Kiley, and ongoing access to Kiley via The CEO Hotline Slack Channel.

    The total investment is $19,997 for a full year of support.

    We typically invoice 50% upon signature and 50% due the month of your in-person workshop unless otherwise discussed.

  • When can I get started and what is the timing of things?

    Book a discovery call with Kiley to chat through your current challenges. During that time, we’ll identify dates to hold for your workshop. Shortly after that, we’ll send over a contract for your review and signature, which will also lock in your dates upon signature.

    Upon signature, we’ll send over some pre-work for you to get started. Kiley will review your pre-work ahead of your first workshop. The first workshop will be 4-5 hours and will be held virtually. Then about a week later, we'll connect for another 2 hour workshop to discuss your company vision and audience. Then you’ll have four weeks to schedule, conduct and gather insights from your audience interviews. We will provide guidance on how to do this. We’ll also have a 30-minute check-in call in between to see how things are going. Then we’ll meet about four weeks later for Part 2 of the workshop.

    After that, we’ll set up monthly coaching sessions to check-in and get you enrolled in our next Accelerator program!

  • What support options are available after this engagement?

    You will have the opportunity to continue quarterly strategic planning 1:1 with Kiley or a Make Business Personal Mastermind from your Accelerator Cohort. You are also welcome to join our group Quarterly Planning Workshops and join our upcoming Make Business Scalable mastermind.

    Learn More