Intrapreneur Training Program (ITP)

The Intrapreneur Training Program is an employee leadership development opportunity for companies interested in investing in their greatest asset – their people!

are you struggling with…

Recruiting the right talent?

Ding ding ding!


Give them a voice.


Empower them to take ownership!


Bingo bango. We got you.

This training program is designed to elevate your team’s current talents and capabilities and introduce them into the world of entrepreneurial thinking and tangible business skill sets.

We bring you the best

We’re thrilled to partner with Leah Roe and her team at The Perk to co-create this training program. We have combined forces, intellectual property, tools, techniques and a bit of pizazz in building this program for you!

What you can expect: 

Facilitators with over a decade of experience in coaching, entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, and education.

Proactive, organized, and thorough communication.

To have some fun. Plus, as you know, fun is key to employee retention and a great work culture!

What your team can expect:

High-impact learning that challenges their current way of thinking, introduces new methodologies and skill sets, and elevates their business prowess.

A psychologically safe space to think, reflect, hone their learnings, and ask questions.

Real human engagement. We’re professionals, but first and foremost, we’re human, and so are your team members. We connect on a human level.

“Kiley is a rockstar and pulls you out where you are stuck. Her foundation, training, and support to get you moving is priceless. The workshop room warms your heart and the connections you make is amazing!”

This isn’t your average cookie-cutter leadership workshop. We’ve been there, done that. BORING.
Let's shake
it up.

At the end of this training, your newly minted intrapreneurs will be able to:

Lead themselves and their teams more effectively.

Independently solve problems keeping business goals front of mind.

Identify opportunities for improved efficiencies and new potential revenue streams.

Sell and upsell new and existing clients.

Measure effectiveness and gather and implement feedback

Generate strategic new ideas and roll out business strategies.

“The intention behind every slide, exercise, design and delivery sequence of this content makes it transformational very quickly.”

Which means:

More time to spend on strategic initiatives, forward business progress, and actually leading instead of managing your team.

Less time spent putting out fires because your team is now equipped to handle them with greater ease.

Rockstar status. Let’s be honest, they’re gonna love you more than they already do!