One of the benefits of outsourced marketing is that it’s far from one-size-fits-all; finding a trusted outsourced partner can illuminate the way forward towards the business growth you want, no matter your industry, company size, or budget. It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? It’s not, and our research shows it. We surveyed over 250 professionals with outsourcing experience to give you all the deets you need to succeed. So let’s take a trip down Outsourced Marketing Lane and go over the four ways outsourcing can grow your business.
1. Add time to your clock
Hey you. I bet you’d love more time in your schedule to get all the things done. We get it. And the good news is that outsourcing can save you time—we’re talking 1000s of hours per year. Yes, our outsourced marketing research found that over 1 in 2 respondents saved up to 5000 hours per year by outsourcing all or part of their marketing.
While you only get 24 hours every day, like the rest of us, you can put hours back on your clock when you offload your marketing to a trusted partner. With all that sweet, sweet time, you’ll be able to devote your energy to business-building tasks you’ve been itching to get to. You know, things like:
- Growth and development
- Sales and networking
- Operations
- Thought leadership
- Research and product/service development
But hours aren’t the only gift outsourced marketing gives; it can also save you money.
2. Put money back into your business
Budget conversations can be a drag, right? And I bet you could do so much more with your business if you just had some extra cash to divert to business growth. However, when you outsource all or part of your marketing, you get to save some money too.
Here’s how it works:
Interview prospective employee → hire employee → onboard employee → pay employee benefits → pay income taxes on behalf of your employee → incur many, many sunk costs.
Your employees are great. Don’t get us wrong. But wouldn’t it be great if you could save yourself some of those sunk costs? Allow us to make a suggestion. You can keep developing your talent internally while outsourcing your marketing, thus saving thousands of dollars on a fully-fledged internal marketing department’s hiring, training, and development costs. How much? Our research shows that 2 in 5 companies that outsource saved between $25,000 and $100,000 by outsourcing their marketing. Think about what you could do with all that money. We’ll give you a minute.
3. Utilize the best to get results
Depending on where you are on the trajectory of starting and running your business, you may have one person owning all marketing or a team of 20. But here’s the thing, no matter the size of your marketing department, you’re bound to have knowledge gaps. This is because marketing moves fast, and in this day and age, there are dozens of marketing-adjacent positions that provide deep value.
Social media specialist. Project managers. SEO folks. Data analysts. Strategists that come in as many flavors as Baskin-Robbins. No one person can keep up with every single development in the marketing world, and that’s why people specialize and rely on each other to create robust marketing execution.
When you outsource your marketing—strategy, research, branding—you have an opportunity to hire the best and benefit from the brains of the best. If there’s a gap in your team’s knowledge base—say they’re great at content but can’t keep up with social media—you can hire a specialist to move your marketing goals forward, working in tandem with your pros.
If you know you need an SEO guru to help reach your audience, outsource! SEO experts can step in, saving your internal team legwork to get up to speed. Outsourcing bridges the gap between where you are today and where you want to go. And you’ll be in good company. Plus, your internal team can osmose skills from your outsourced partners. Amongst companies that outsource, the top marketing goals they aim high for are:
- Build brand awareness
- Increase website traffic
- Increase engagement on social channels
- Increase website conversions
- Establish as an industry authority
See any common ground in the list? Outsourced partners can make all of that happen.
4. Streamline your operations.
Running a business is tough. We get it (really, we do). It’s like trying to host your very own marionette performance, and you’re pulling all of the strings. Oh yeah, and you only have two hands. So when you outsource, it frees you and your team up to focus on what matters most—refining your processes, growing your business, and developing your team.
When you outsource, you hire an individual or team of marketing pros that manage their own time and deliver the work. That’s all. You don’t have to cover their vacation time. You don’t have to manage their work. You don’t have to track their time. Poof. It’s gone with one signed outsourced marketing contract. Our survey found that 1 in 3 respondents outsourced their marketing in order the time needed for internal team management. You can do it too.
And when you save time and money, you can focus on working out the kinks in your business operations. Are you having issues with shipping and logistics? Save time on your marketing and divert that time to getting your products into the hands of your customers quicker. Here are other ways outsourced marketing benefits your operations:
- Decision fatigue? Don’t know her. If you’re no longer bearing the brunt of the marketing decisions, you’re freed up to work through other business decisions.
- If you’re no longer leading the marketing charge, you can focus on developing thought leadership content, spurring business growth.
- Need to secure buy-in from investors or tweak your sales process? With outsourced marketing, you have more time to grow your business.
We can keep going, but you get the point. Outsourcing takes the time-consuming and expensive marketing process off your plate so you can fill it with business growth instead.